Nice cat. Lets see if you can have your cat in paradise, your cat does he or she have a mysterious air about it, it may be linked to the occult. If so, your furry friend will go up in smoke like the rest of us, with Jehovah a sin is a sin be it man or beast.
James Mixon
JoinedPosts by James Mixon
If I Became a JW, Could I Have My Cat on Paradise Earth?
by Cold Steel inwould i?
i wouldn't mind if he slept through eternity (he sleeps most of the time anyway).
i'd just like to be able to move him around occasionally.
Don't touch ark of covenant
by Chook ini raised an issue with a co once about an elders qualifications, he visited my house and in no uncertain terms said don't touch ark of covenant ( referring to elder as ark ) , i was gob smacked then he said to wife and i that if we pursued such an avenue we could be grieving gods holy spirit.
so ther you go elder are on par with god ..
James Mixon
After tha ark reached it's destination, David "I need volunteers to remove the ark from the cart".
Hell no, didn't you see what happen to our brother Uzzah, we will stand over there and your sorry ass unload it.
We will not touch it with a ten foot pole.
Don't touch ark of covenant
by Chook ini raised an issue with a co once about an elders qualifications, he visited my house and in no uncertain terms said don't touch ark of covenant ( referring to elder as ark ) , i was gob smacked then he said to wife and i that if we pursued such an avenue we could be grieving gods holy spirit.
so ther you go elder are on par with god ..
James Mixon
TheFadingAbatros:"Whoever dares to make the move to challenge their authority" yes also if so-called authority is wrong the RF is the blame. "We didn't say the end would come in Uzzah you folks ran ahead".
Don't touch ark of covenant
by Chook ini raised an issue with a co once about an elders qualifications, he visited my house and in no uncertain terms said don't touch ark of covenant ( referring to elder as ark ) , i was gob smacked then he said to wife and i that if we pursued such an avenue we could be grieving gods holy spirit.
so ther you go elder are on par with god ..
James Mixon
"The ark was supposed to be carried on poles...", poor Uzzah was a sacrificial lamb. Before Uzzah reached his hand toward the ark Israel was already sinning before God. But anyway I like Spielberg fictional story "Raiders of the Lost Ark" it was more entertaining than the fictional tale in the Bible.
Don't touch ark of covenant
by Chook ini raised an issue with a co once about an elders qualifications, he visited my house and in no uncertain terms said don't touch ark of covenant ( referring to elder as ark ) , i was gob smacked then he said to wife and i that if we pursued such an avenue we could be grieving gods holy spirit.
so ther you go elder are on par with god ..
James Mixon
I always wonder what would have happen if Uzzah didn't reach out and take hold of the Ark. Lets suppose he let the Ark fall and the little golden Cherubs wings came off, the acacia wood splits apart and the contents spill all over the ground. I believe he was in a situation where he was damned if he did or damned if he didn't. It's a human reaction when you see something falling to reach for it, the same with an elder qualification.
Watchtower view on hunting and fishing?
by HereIgo ini grew up doing both.
while i was in the org, i didn't hear too much about fishing, but all of the co's frowned upon hunting.
their stance was jw's should not own a gun.
James Mixon
Chook: I like that "WT hunts apostates and fishes for gullible Christians". What book of the Bible can I find that, it needs to be in JW's Bible. That's a good one..
Watchtower view on hunting and fishing?
by HereIgo ini grew up doing both.
while i was in the org, i didn't hear too much about fishing, but all of the co's frowned upon hunting.
their stance was jw's should not own a gun.
James Mixon
I believe fishing is ok , no one ever lost their head while fishing. Now if Jesus had stated he was a hunter of men instead of "I will make you fishers of men", things may have been different. But I do remember they came down hard on hunting in the mid 80's......
What's The First "Worldly" Thing You Did When You Exited The Cult?
by pale.emperor inwhen you finally and officially exited the cult, whether it be by disfellowshipping, disassociating or fading - what was the first things you did that are considered "worldly"?.
for me, it was like crash landing on another planet that looked like earth but was completely different to the earth i knew.
i wanted to learn everything that i thought i already knew.. first things i did:.
James Mixon
Lets be honest folks, how did you really feel when you celebrated Xmas for the first time, walked into a church, celebrated your birthday, or Halloween. Come on, didn't you think the demons would bite you in the ass.. I broke out in a cold sweat when I entered the Church...
What is the Watchtower view on donating to charity?
by HereIgo ini've always had the impression that they frowned upon it, but never quite knew for sure.....
James Mixon
10 reasons why people don't give to charity. 1)I already give enough. I prefer to invest in my own community. 2) I need to save money for myself and for my family. 3) My donation is too small to make a difference. 4) Poverty can't be solved. 5)Poverty isn't the problem it's the symptom. 6)Donations don't help the people who need the most aid. 7)Poverty relief is the responsibility of governments. 8) People should solve their own problems. 9) Giving aid makes developing countries dependent upon foreign resources and funding. 10)Giving leads to overpopulation. Number 10 I'am clueless how giving can lead to overpopulation, but which of these reasons apply to the WT?????
What is the Watchtower view on donating to charity?
by HereIgo ini've always had the impression that they frowned upon it, but never quite knew for sure.....
James Mixon
What do you think would happen if a homeless person walked up to a JW cart on the street and ask for money for food. Here take this WT, read it and learned to wash windows, better yet research how you can live off the Government without paying your share and take advantage of all the benefits. Sorry I have no money to give you, all my funds are invested in the WT. Homeless person: "I was only asking for a dollar". This was some what the experience I had in the 70's. A guy came up to me and another brother while we were in the street work and I told him I have none to give but offered him the WT. Wow, he jumped all over me. He told me "you fool you are standing here on this corner offering those mags and the top men in NY are living like kings and there were other things he said when walking away I won't mention. Looking back I thought the guy was a nut, hell he knew more about the WT than us two fools standing on that corner. If you never tried street work near a liquor store, OH boy you will get a ear full...That's where they need to set up their carts today..